Joel Poe: Poetry Book Update

Joel Poe

As you know, I recently went through a 4 month hiatus. Among many other things like focusing on my mental health and happiness, I spent most of that time writing. I promised you a novel in the near future and a poetry book.

Well I’m happy to announce my poetry book is in the final stages of completion. It will soon be available on Amazon Kindle. You will be able to download it on your phone, tablet, kindle or laptop so you can read it anywhere you go.

I will also host a contest where you can:

1- post a video of you reciting your favorite poem from the book to YouTube, Instagram.


2- make a drawing/art piece inspired by your favorite poem and post it to Tumblr, Instagram.

The winners will be featured on my website and will receive a Skype voice call with me personally where we can talk about anything you’d like!

I will announce the Title of the book once the release date is set. On the meantime stay positive and remember I care about you, always.

Joel Poe